Bei Warehousing1 glauben wir daran, dass unsere Mitarbeitenden ihr volles Potenzial ausschöpfen können. Wir sind stolz darauf, in unserem schnell wachsenden Logistik-Startup Möglichkeiten für persönliches und berufliches Wachstum zu bieten. In diesem Monat möchten wir die Erfolgsgeschichte unseres Kollegen Gerke teilen, der diese Möglichkeit genutzt hat und mit Warehousing1 gewachsen ist.
Gerke tells us personally about his development.

Table of contents:
- My development at Warehousing1
- These are my takeaways
- My main learning
- A look into the future
- Warehousing1 as an employer
My development at Warehousing1
In which position did you start and how did your career develop at Warehousing1?
“In July 2020, I started as Head of Growth at Warehousing1. After a year and a half, I was promoted to Director of Business Development and Chief of Staff. After another year and a half, I took my dual role as Director of Business Development and Director of Operations.”
These are my takeaways
What could you take with you on this journey?
“Despite the difficult times in the e-commerce market, we managed to grow the company from about 10 to more than 60 employees. What I learned here was how important it is to be open to feedback in a leadership position and to adapt to new conditions accordingly. For example, I started working at Warehousing1 in the midst of the Corona crisis and initially had to manage two teams completely remotely. At times, I even had to operationally manage four teams – some remote, some hybrid. Of course, my previous experience in leadership had only prepared me to a limited extent for these extreme situations. I had to rethink and adapt early on, which was only possible with the honest and helpful feedback from my teams.”
My main learning
Which learning has stuck with you the most?
“How important a good hiring process is! Really knowing what profile you need for the advertised position, how to identify that profile during the application process and then, in the end, how to train the person hired so that the person can contribute as quickly as possible and to the fullest extent within the company. What also impressed me was how big an impact one person can have on the company culture, but also on the company itself – positively as well as negatively. For me, good hiring processes are a totally underrated competitive advantage!”
A look into the future
What are your wishes for the future at Warehousing1?
“That the startup scene soon recovers from all the external shocks and that we, with the entire team, can continue to develop and scale the company as our product actually allows. Also, I hope for many more great people* to join our team and with whom we can help our customers and partners.”
Warehousing1 as an employer
Why would you recommend Warehousing1 as an employer?
“You quickly see that the culture and the team are our focus and that everyone is quickly accepted and integrated from day one. Thanks to this feel-good factor, we create a very trusting working atmosphere, which allows every employee to make mistakes and learn from them. This leads to very independent working methods, quick decisions and a generally very productive corporate culture. A high learning curve is definitely assured at WH1!”
Have a look at our jobs page and find out about current job vacancies. At LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram you can find out more about us as an employer and the opportunities and benefits at Warehousing1.
We look forward to meeting you!