If your online shop runs on Shopify and you handle your logistics via an external service provider, you must have heard about it already: Shopify will update its fulfillment model. Or, in other words: Shopify will change how it treats information linked to logistics processes. Alright, updates happen. But why is this update getting so much attention?
Because it’s not a small one. And if you just ignore it, unhappy customers and a bad brand image will be the result. In this article, we will inform Shopify users about the new Fulfillment Orders API, why a migration is necessary and how to make it happen.
In case you are looking for a logistics expert who can help you build the right Shopify fulfillment setup – feel free to reach out to us! We are more than happy to help you.
Table of contents:
- Shopify launches its new Logistics API: The Fulfillment Orders API
- Why the switch to the new Fulfillment Orders API is indispensable
- What do you have to do to ensure the switch?
- Conclusion
Shopify launches its new Logistics API: The Fulfillment Orders API
In the past years, Shopify has put in quite some effort to make it easier for merchants to manage their logistics. All these smaller improvements have now reached their peak in a bigger update that will require companies using the Order (REST or GraphQL) and Fulfillment (REST or GraphQL) resources to switch to the brand new Shopify Fulfillment Order API . As a matter of fact, the old Shopify Fulfillment API will be deprecated in April 2023. Bye bye, old friend…
The farewell may not be easy, but it is for the best! The new Fulfillment Orders API offers way more detailed data on the whole fulfillment process, which leads to a long list of advantages for Shopify merchants. We won’t go too much into detail regarding the advantages here, but rather talk about what happens if you ignore this update and how to initiate the migration. If you do want to know more about the advantages of the new API, Shopify has published an extensive article on their blog – you can read it here .
So… Why is the switch to the new Fulfillment Orders API indispensable?
Easy: if your logistics provider does not switch, they won’t be able to send any tracking updates to your Shopify interface anymore. Not that big of a problem?
Well, it might seem like it at first sight: your orders will still be forwarded to the Warehouse Management System of your logistics provider,who can then pick them, pack them and send them to your customers.
But there is no information going the other way – from your service provider to you. This means that you have no idea of what happens after the order is transmitted to your logistics provider. You are basically blind when it comes to your order fulfillment. And this is indeed a problem. A big one.
Consequences are:
- You cannot check if your logistics provider is doing his job right – actually, you cannot even check if he is doing his job at all
- You cannot forward any tracking information to your customers, which leads to frustration and more customer service demands
- Your customer service does not have the necessary information to help all these clients, looking for information about their orders
- All this will harm your customer satisfaction - big time! And customer satisfaction is key to a thriving business.
You see – a switch is necessary.
What do you have to do to ensure the switch?
I personally do not possess enough technical knowledge to understand the full extent of the migration. But I have been told by my favorite co-worker from our tech team that the way the switch has to be done is brilliantly thought through by Shopify, but technically challenging nonetheless. Especially for companies that do not have a solid technical setup and internal development capabilities.
We decided to write this article because we see on an everyday basis that not every logistics provider has the necessary technical knowledge and capacities to understand the importance and extent of this update. And we do not want your shop to suffer from this.
What has to be done from your side is basically contacting your logistics provider and asking them if they are aware of the switch and have prepared the necessary steps. Maybe they have even already performed the migration. In this case, you can sleep soundly.
If they do not have any awareness or plan, you can do the following:
- If they do have internal development capabilities, they might perform the switch themselves. You can forward the migration guide provided by Shopify, which can be found here .
- If they do not have a solid technical background, you can suggest them to go for a middleware provider offering an API. This way, not only the latest update, but also upcoming ones will be covered. And often this middleware comes with other features helping with transparency and efficiency. We at Warehousing1 are offering this kind of middleware. You can check it out Here And we are happy as well to take over this technical talk with your logistics provider if needed. For free, of course. Just shoot us an inquiry on our website or send a mail to [email protected].
- If you do not trust your logistics provider to implement one of the two options above, you should consider switching to a new provider. We are more than happy to help in this case. Our large network of fulfillment partner locations definitely has the right provider up its sleeve for you.
Take this update serious. Do something now to ensure the switch is happening. And don’t hesitate to call for help if you feel overwhelmed by this topic. We are more than happy to support you!

Kima Harring is Marketing Team Lead at Warehousing1 and has more than three years experience in the field of e-commerce logistics. She is passionate about LogTech and enjoys regular talks with the WH1 product team to enlarge her technical horizon.
Get ready for 2023! Warehousing1 is happy to support you in organizing the logistics of your online store. Through our network of over 1,000 warehouse locations, we identify the perfect fulfillment & storage solution for you and your business. Feel free to get in contact with us - one of our experts will get back to you within 24 hours.