What it's like working in an up-and-coming logistics startup
At Warehousing1 we think that traditional logistics is ready for a change. We started with our mission to revolutionize warehouse and fulfillment processes in 2018, when the company was founded in Munich by Nico Szeli, Nils Aschmann and Fabian Sedlmayr. Since then, Warehousing1 has been mixing up the logistics market and has developed into one of the largest warehousing and distribution networks in Europe. With more than 500 international logistics partners, Warehousing1 offers an innovative platform and the know-how of industry experts.
Warehousing1 is supported by international financial investors and the founders of leading technology companies. This guarantees that we keep up with all technical innovations and deliver the best possible quality to customers and partners.
We are Warehousing1
As one of the fastest growing companies in Germany, we are moving forward primarily through our strong team spirit. Ambitious and motivated employees from all over the world feel at home with us regardless of their age. At Warehousing1, everyone can get involved so that shared successes can be celebrated - not only at the weekly Friday beer & dinner party, but preferably every day.
To give you more insight into the everyday startup life at Warehousing1, we'll let our employees have their say in the series "Working in a logistics startup".
Get to know us

Georg Jäntgen
Tasks: Exact assessment of the project scope for and with the customers, preparation of offers and support of the discussions until the conclusion of a contract, afterwards further support of the customers with the identification of improvement potentials, execution of internal audits to control and implement the set quality goals

Kima Harring
Tasks: Search engine optimization (SEO), supervision of marketing projects and campaigns, content creation and project development
4 questions to... Kima & Georg
1. What does an ordinary working day look like for you?
Since I'm finishing my master's degree in Paris in addition to my work at Warehousing1, my working day is currently completely remote. In the morning there is a call with the marketing team, where everyone explains what the big issues of the day will be. This way, everyone is always up to date and the day starts in a structured way. Afterwards I tackle my tasks of the day. At lunchtime, depending on my mood, I either have my lunch in front of a TV series to relax, or in the Virtual Office (a video channel where every team member can join in at any time to exchange ideas remotely with colleagues).
My day begins with reviewing the planned activities and daily goals and discussing them with the Account Management team. This is followed by video or telephone conferences with customers and partners, as well as a detailed description of customer needs in our WH1 portal and the search for the most suitable solutions.
2. What is your personal highlight of Warehousing1's corporate culture?
The open communication. For me, this includes the feedback culture, which is very much fostered by regular feedback meetings, and the opportunity to present all your ideas and usually to carry them out. This way I was able to suggest many of my own project ideas in marketing. And there was a lot going on outside my normal area of responsibility: from organizing a team event, to researching CSR in the office, to knowledge courses for interns.
The digital corporate culture allows me to work completely from home and at the same time communicate short notes or comments across the desk via our chat room. In this way, I can work with my colleagues in the same way as if we were sitting chair to chair in an office - and I think it's even more efficient.
3. What do you personally see as the advantages for you to work in logistics in an early stage start-up?
Working in a start-up is associated with a lot of dynamics. This means: You are constantly exposed to new challenges and therefore you are constantly learning! Additionally, you have the opportunity to work in different areas of the company. Even as an intern or working student you have your "mot à dire" and can really get involved in the company's activities.
Here Hermann Hesse's poem "Stufen" comes to my mind. This became my motto at a young age already - when I was around 20 years old. From my point of view, this poem describes the character of the innovative person who, despite all the intended and sensible scaling, always represents the potential for the further development of the whole company. Every company organization has to perform this difficult balancing act. My personal advantage is to take one step after another and see where it will take me.
4. If you had to describe to a friend in a few words why a job at Warehousing1 pays off, what would you say?
Exciting industry, useful product, super team, cool founders, regular events and a great atmosphere in the office = joy at work. There’s nothing more important than enjoying what you do on a daily basis.
Assuming that the friend is my age, the biggest advantage in this time of the pandemic would be to work completely digitally.
You also want to become part of our Warehousing1 team? Then have a look at https://warehousing1.com/en/company/careers and find out about current job offers. You can also find out more about us as an employer and your opportunities and benefits at Warehousing1 on LinkedIn, Facebook as Instagram .